What Is Inbound Marketing?

inbound marketing attracts customers like a magnetInbound marketing has taken on far greater significance in the last few years as people have information at their finger tips (literally).
Being able to sell your products and services to the world at large is now becoming easier and easier as long as you can be found online. Advances in digital technology allow companies to reach a much larger audience than they ever could before. Instead of relying on outdated outbound (broadcast style) marketing strategies such as purchasing radio and television ad time. Cold calling potential customers, and canvassing an area with flyers, is hard work now that inbound marketing lets companies reach out and touch the consumer at a time when they are most interested in what you have to say.



So What Is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing allows a company to promote itself by increasing its exposure to the outside world. This is achieved by sharing creating and their content online. The concept is usually focused on new media practices of delivering content. The sharing of blogs, podcasts, e-books, and marketing through the use of various channels including social media are all emphasised under inbound marketing strategies.

Inbound marketing focuses more on aligning your content with the interests of a potential consumer, as opposed to the old methods of “spray and pray” advertising and hoping for leads. A company is able to personalise their promotion so that a customer feels like they’re being spoken to individually.

These activities are able to draw visitors into what a company is trying to accomplish, as opposed to marketing schemes that are focused on getting a consumer’s attention, typically at a heavy cost. By producing content that is worthy of attention, inbound marketers are able to draw the consumer in without having to overtly pitch to them. Brand awareness increases and customers who may not have even known a product existed are suddenly intrigued. Another significant outcome is a business is seen as an authority in their marketplace by offering helpful information that is right on target


Why Does Inbound Marketing Work So Well?

After years of experiencing outbound marketing tactics that belittled the consumer and insulted their intelligence, inbound marketing rewards the savvy customer and allows them to make educated decisions on their own. Rather than take the outbound marketing approach of telling the people how great their product is, inbound marketing engages them on a more intellectual level.

In an era where people use search engines as a primary source for locating information. Having useful online content that not only promotes your product or service, but clearly outlines its benefits to the consumer sets a company apart from their competitors. Inbound marketing provides a consumer with useful information and showcases your company’s problem-solving ability and more importantly that the business understands the problems a customer may have. This allows a business to build a customer’s trust in the process.

Any company or business can lure a customer once, but by building a relationship with the consumer, inbound marketing gives a company the chance to develop habitual customers. When a customer’s needs are not only met, but surpassed, this is how a business develops repeat and loyal customers.

When a consumer feels as though your company is their own personal discovery, as opposed to giving in after having had multiple advertising campaigns crammed down their throats, a lasting relationship is born.


What Are The Best Methods Of Inbound Marketing?

  1. Know Your Customer Base

If a company is aiming for a certain market segment, it helps to know them well. Inbound marketing is the best way to go about targeting that audience. Being able to determine the persona of your potential customers is just as important as any marketing strategies you may come up with.

Having specific knowledge enables a business to tailor their marketing content to a segment of individuals who are like-minded.


  1. Create The Proper Strategy

Inbound marketing sounds like a no brainer, until a company has to sit down and formulate the correct strategy. It is impossible to develop the right strategy without a thorough understanding of your audience’s problems and your business’ ability to deliver solutions. Once you’ve come up with solutions, it becomes much easier to begin your research on how to reach your intended audience. Without a clearly defined goal, even an inbound marketing campaign with the best of intentions ends up going nowhere.


  1. Make Sure Your Content Draws People In

All of the best planning and research goes to waste if the content created to attract the audience is boring. In order to stand apart in a crowded marketplace, you must create content that will showcase how unique your product is. Top quality content is not only informative, but also useful and entertaining.

It’s important to remember that entertaining the customer is just as pivotal as informing them. Use topics that will grab the consumer’s attention and not let go. Be sure to design your Web content in an eye catching manner. Using images and video can greatly enrich the website pages. Presenting content in a thoughtful manner ensures that the user’s interaction with the material is favorable for the company.


  1. Share The Content Of Others

If someone does your company the favor of sharing your content, don’t be afraid to do the same for them. The business world is built on give and take. By sharing quality content, you send your customers a clear message that you are not obsessed with self-promotion. You appear to be more thoughtful. By giving credit to those who deserve it, they are then encouraged to share your content.


  1. Remain On The Cutting Edge

Too many businesses fail because they are living in the past and coasting off prior achievements. That’s why it’s crucial to remain informed about all of the recent developments pertaining to your company and the market you play in. Depending on what area your business is concentrated in, you will want to stay aware of the trends and how they affect your consumers.

By remaining constantly in the know, a business is able to shift their content accordingly and stay ahead of the curve. In order to keep your content useful, it’s pivotal to stay on top of the current trends.


Do you need help with putting your inbound marketing plan together?

We can provide a 20 page strategy document with a specific plan for your business to succeed online

Contact Us Here


Digital marketing strategist for small to medium business.
I help business owners with their marketing to target and nurture more high value clients, to deliver more profit and grow their business by implementing proven tactics and strategies.
I show you successful lead generation and marketing systems that will bring in an unlimited stream of quality clients to work with.
A critical part of our system is to provide regular checks to ensure you reach your desired success as well as tap into our knowledge and support
I use statistics and data to make smarter decisions in business. Rather than the “spray and pray” marketing of old, I have been able to leverage time and resources to deliver a far better outcome and profits.