Category: Conversions
Over 300 percent increase in leads!
A simple A/B test has resulted in more leads… a lot more leads I don’t know a business owner that doesn’t want to increase business. Most of them I speak to though just seem to continue to focus on trying to increase the number of prospects that come to their website Take a look at…
Increase Your Customer Conversion With These Tips
Conversion is the 3rd step in our 7 step framework. (Check out the first step here and the second step here if you haven’t already read them) Firstly.. what is a conversion? I count a customer conversion as someone that wants to purchase what you have. Whether that is sending you a purchase order, entering…
Engaging Prospects
Opt-Ins is the second stage in our 7 step framework So what is an opt-in? It is the first level of engagement between you and your prospect. They have shown some interest in something you offer and have a need for more information. It can be a simple request for a quote or more information…